Friday, March 30, 2007

Zuppa di cavolfiore verde

I wanted to make a soup to eat with the wonderful zucchini bread :) - so I improvised this:

Zuppa di cavolfiore verde e yogurt di latte di capra/ Green cauliflower and goat milk yogurt soup
It's a thick cream made mostly with cauliflower and goat milk yogurt. I've had this yogurt in the fridge for a while. It's good but you cannot really have it for breakfast, it's like eating goat cheese.. so I already used it in some very good dips, curries, or in this soup. It gives a little bit of a taste of goat cheese without adding the fat of the cheese to the dishes you make.
So to make this soup, saute half an onion in olive oil, add the green cauliflower in pieces, sautee them, and then add enough yogurt to almost cover all the pieces. Close the lid and cook for ~10 minutes. At this point I added 4 anchovies, to add a little bit more flavor to the soup. Continue to cook for another 20 min. Blend all the pieces of cauliflower and onion, and add hot water to the desired consistency. Serve with some good bread (like the zucchini bread!!). It's very good, it has an unusual, refreshing and comforting taste.

1 comment:

alexale said...

Grazie sei gentilissima! Certo che gli statunitensi avranno con te una'ltra immagine circa la ricchezza della cucina italica. Buona Domenica di cuore!