Sunday, September 17, 2006

Baby shower

Since I don't think my Italian readers know what a baby shower is, I'm going to explain it for them here.
Un 'baby shower' (lett. doccia del bambino) non ha in realta' niente a che vedere con acqua e lavaggi di bambini :). C'e' un tipo di festa in inglese che si definisce 'shower', e che in realta' si riferisce al fatto che il festeggiato viene coperto da una 'doccia' di regali. Un 'baby shower' e' una festa di questo tipo che viene offerta in onore di una donna che sta per partorire un bambino.. gli invitati portano dei regali per il bambino nascituro. Questo e' cio' che io sapevo prima di andare ad una reale baby shower..
Ok, so, I guess every American knows what a baby shower is. Still, what I had understood of a baby shower was not exactly what I saw. First of all, I didn't know that a baby shower was only for girls. Instead, it is. Also, I didn't know it was a tradition to have games.. and apparently, this is a fundamental part of the party!
Well, anyway, a few weeks ago we had this baby shower that I still didn't speak about for my dear friend Yan Li. She's actually going to give birth any time soon, now. It was a nice party, and she was indeed showered with gifts.
I had some problems during the games.. I really didn't know all the words related to the baby world in English, so.. but I actually managed to guess close enough how big the waste of Yan Li was, making a belt of toelet paper for her... ehm....such is life. :)

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