Saturday, December 02, 2006

Ringraziamento - passeggiata nei boschi

Another very pleasant activity was to walk around Lucas's parents 'yard'. I'm not sure about how to define this space.. it's a really really nice and big area around the house. A creek goes through it, there are some woods, and two fields, where Lucas's dad grows vegetables, fruits, pine trees, and plays with his big tools :)
I'll show here a few pictures of our trip.
Outside the house: Autumn tree - beautiful with its berries

Read more for more pictures.

Pine trees
The creek
A type of moss on a rock (see how small it is compared to the leaves around)
Hannah and the creek
Lucas, Jim and Hannah in the forest
Lucas and Debbie in the sun

Btw, do you know why we had those orange jackets and hats? It's hunting season! You never know if Cheney is around your woods.. :)
E' in realta' pericoloso camminare per i boschi in questa stagione, perche' alcuni cacciatori sparano su tutto cio' che si muove.. quindi e' meglio portare queste giacchette fosforescenti, che tutti sanno coprono uomini e non animali.. Dick Cheney recentmente aveva sparato ad un suo amico durante una battuta di caccia :)

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